Thursday, July 7, 2011

We Are Off !!!

Well we are off to Guatemala to build our 5th house!!!  After hours and hours of packing I think we are ready.  There are so many generous people who were kind enough to donate clothes, shoes, medical supplies etc that we ended up packing 7 suitcases and 3 carry ons.  We are going with 2 other families again this year, the Sibonas who are making their 3rd trip and this year we welcome The Dickersons who are on their first excursion to build a house. Everyone is so excited!!
We will be building for 3 families who live in santa Maria de of my favorite places that I have ever been.
The Pio Pio Family
-Maria Cristina Pio, Madre (33 años) no estudio
-Daniel Israel Pio Pio, Hijo (16 años) 4to Primaria
-Josué Benjamín Pio Pio, Hijo (14 años) 4to Primaria
-Alejandra Cristian Pio Pio, Hija (12 años) 3ro Primaria
-Ruben Otoniel Pio Pio, Hijo (9 años) 3ro Primaria
-Lester Samuel Pio Pio, Hijo (7 años) 1ro Primaria
-Eswin Daniel Pio Pio, Hijo (1 año)

That is the family we will build for.As you can see some of them are not in the picture, but I have to tell you I am already smitten with that little guy. I can't wait to get there and meet them in person.

So if you would like to join us on our journey just check out our blog every day, I promise, you will feel like your are right here with us!


  1. Have a terrific time Bakers! All our love to the double Pios. Build them a darn fine home.

    By the way, who designed your blog?

  2. From afar (and great feelings of nostalgia) we will follow your wonderful journey. Please say hello to all of our dear friends at FHTH and the great families of Santa Maria de Jesus -- especially Betty, Mario, Joel & Danny. We miss not being there with you but can only make the desire to be there once again in our future, that much STRONGER!

  3. Things back home are quiet since the "Gone Fishin'" sign was posted on the front door of Foodtown today. lol! We miss you guys and wish we were there with you. Say hello to Joe and the gang and tell Libny that she better take good care of the Dickersons and the rest of you. Maybe Jeff can convert the Bodegona to the "Foodtown-egona" while you're down there. God bless all of you.

  4. HOLY CRAP! Jeter's 3,000th hit is a home run to tie the game in the 3rd inning! Even this lifelong Mets fan must give Jeter a tip of the cap.
